

Teguise-Montaña climbs out of the village over the ridgeway. Gorgeous views back towards the village and El Jable in the distance. The higher you climb the more of the island is revealed.


On the way you can explore the old lime kiln ruins just outside the village. Also look out for old Aljibes (water cisterns).

Historia de Teguise is a great source for local history and culture of the area.

As you crest the ridge the views ahead are towards the Risco de Famara. Further on you can see down into Famara itself. At the end of the valley you have the views both up and down the ravine. On the top of the Famara massif you occasionally catch a glimpse of the the church Ermita de Las Nieves

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Lalaland / Las Hoyas / Ye Circular

Lalaland Las Hoyas

The Lalaland walk varies between 2 and 4 hours depending on the route taken. There is a mixture of mountain path descents, dirt road climbs and short sections of tarmac.

Starting at the church in Ye, we head out of the village on an old mountain road. Cross onto the bluff following the mountain bike tracks.

Small gullies form on the top before becoming steep ravines tumbling over the edge.

Some of the gullies show signs of old sluice gates to switch rainwater runoff from one valley to another.

On the valley floor we find the ruins of old water cisterns. The valley is a collection of vineyards and smallholdings. Crops include maize, potatoes, onions, also groves of fig, peach and almond.

The Lalaland Walk gets its name from the small holiday cottage of the same name about halfway round. From here the walk may be extended from 5 to 10km .

In the centre of the village there is a small village shop which sells drinks and snacks. At the east entrance to the village there is Restaurante Volcan de la Corona, which is well worth a visit.

To read more on the history of the area you can check out Historia de Haria – Ye.

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Spiders aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but just thought this guy was so pretty.


Snapped this little chap on one of my walks. He was hiding amongst the leaves in a small stand of a chestnut trees.

As far as I can tell it’s Araneidae, Araneus bufo. The Crossed Orb weaver, but more than happy to be corrected.

The walk I was on was volcan templo, the bit with the chestnut trees is in part 2. I found this site which helped with the identification.

Haria Cemetery Circle

Haria Cemetery Circle

The Haria Cemetery Circle is about 5.5km, 2 – 3 hours and is well marked. There is a bit of a climb in the middle section and the path is quite narrow in places, but well worth the effort. Views back towards the coast, and down into both the Tabayesco and Haria valleys.

Haria Cemetery Circle

it is important to keep to the tracks, so to cause as little disturbance to the local wildlife as possible.

That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t keep your eyes open. Left we see last seasons eggs from a ground nesting bird, probably a red legged partridge.

Haria is a great place for a coffee or a spot of lunch. A couple of my favourites are the Mercado Municipal de Abastos de Haría and the Centro Cultural La Tegala. Both found easily enough on google maps. Historia de Haria is a good site covering the general history of the area.

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Barranco Elvira Sanchez

Barranco Elvera Sanchez

Barranco Elvira Sánchez is a circular walk of about 3 – 4 hours, between 7 and 10km depending on route.

Barranco de Elvira Sánchez

The hike up the Barranco itself is quite steep, but there are plenty of places to stop and admire the view.

At the top enjoy the stunning views from the Risco down towards Caleta de Famara.

The way back down is via part of the GR-131 Camino Natural de Lanzarote, a little steep in places, but much easier to descend than the Barranco.

After the climb up the Barranco Elvira Sánchez, there is the Restaurante Los Helechos for a coffee / lunch. And then, it’s down hill all the way back to the start. Historia de Haria is a good site covering the general history of the area.

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Tabayesco Circle

The Tabayesco Circular walk is quite strenuous for the first leg, in total it’s about 3 – 4 hours (about 10km), but is well marked.

The hard part is the ascent to the ridge line, but the views are well worth the effort. A bonus feature however is an option for coffee and cake / lunch at Restaurante Los Helechos.

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Tabayesco Circular – History

To read more on the history of the area you can check out the Historia de Haria website. The site is in Spanish, so if it helps I have tried to summarise a few topics of interest in the History section.

As an aside, you might even find out about Angel Hair…

Montaña Caldereta

This is quite a long one to do as a circular route, a good 15km. The ascent and descent of the crater rim is quite steep, but the views from the top are quite special.

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Mala Coast

Mala Coast

This walks is fairly level, about 2 – 3 hours and is well marked. It is mostly a coastal path with a small section through the back streets of the village of Mala.

You might even find some fossilised bee nests.

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Volcán Templo, Cardona & Ortiz Circle

Volcan Templo

The Templo Cardona & Ortiz walk is a good 3 – 4 hours or so, mostly flat and for the most part well marked. There is one tricky part using an old hunters path over a section of lava flow.

Also there is an optional scramble over Volcán Templo, but the views are well worth it. There are two coffee and cake options here, the Asador Grill Tinguatón or the Teleclub de Masdache.

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This walk has a little of something for everone, I even found some chestnut trees! There is also the old hermits cave, Cueva de Ortiz to explore.

Templo Cardona & Ortiz – History

To read more about the history of the island you can check out Historia de Teguise and Historia de Haria websites. The sites are in Spanish, so if it helps I have tried to summarise a few topics of interest in the History section.

Cueva de Ortiz

This is an easy walk just a couple of hours or so. The route is flat and well marked, approximately 5km. There are two coffee and cake options here, the Asador Grill Tinguatón or the Teleclub de Masdache.

Ok, Cave might be a bit of an exaggeration, more “bit of a lava tube”, but still a cool place to visit. Depending on the time of year Fig trees and wild flowers a plenty round the base of Montaña Ortiz.

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