Haria Cemetery Circle

The Haria Cemetery Circle is about 5.5km, 2 – 3 hours and is well marked. There is a bit of a climb in the middle section and the path is quite narrow in places, but well worth the effort. Views back towards the coast, and down into both the Tabayesco and Haria valleys.


Take the LZ-1 out of Arrecife and at the Tahiche round-a-bout follow it north for Orzola. Pass Costa Teguise, Guatiza, Mala and in Arrieta take the LZ-10 for Haria. As you approach the village, pass the Policia Local on your left. Take the next left turn and park in the Cemetery car park.

Click on the map image above to open a Google map of the area in a new tab.

The Walk

Take the road to the side of the Cemetery and bear right at the fork in to Calle Piletas. This soon turns into a dirt track hugging the mountainside. The track crosses a number of creases or folds where various Barrancos have formed.

The route eventually comes to a fork in the trail, take the track to the right and follow it up the spine of the bluff. You pass some old ruins on the right of the trail, interesting painted floor and what looks to be a well inside.

Keep following the track is it zigzags up the hillside. The track crosses into a black picon area with a lone palm tree to the left of the path. As you leave the black picon start to look for a left fork in the track. The path is narrow with quite sheer slopes down to the Tabayesco valley.

At the end of the trail you come to a point where you must almost double back on yourself. You are at the highest point of the walk and within 10 paces you can look down into both the Tabayesco and Haria Valleys .

Now head back along the ridge line, keeping the views down into the Haria valley on your left. The track is well worn as it is a popular mountain bike trail. Follow the trail as is winds its way back down into the village of Haria, where you turn right on to the LZ-10 and follow it back to the Cemetery.

Haria Cemetery Circle – History

To read more on the history of Haria you can check out the following site:

The site is in Spanish, so if it helps I have made an attempt to summarise some topics of interest and historical events in the History section.