Femes LHS Circle

The Femes LHS circle is about 3 .5 hours. It is good under foot and is well marked. The map distance is about 8km.


Follow the LZ-2 out of Arrecife all the way to the round-a-bout for Femes (the one with the huge camels in the middle). Take the third exit for Femes & Playa Blanca. Up the hill and through the village of Las Casitas. The next village is Femes, I usually park by the church, which is in the middle of about three restaurants.

Click on the map image above to open a Google map of the area in a new tab.

The Walk

From the church head north, over the round-a-bout and onto Calle del Filo. The road soon turns into a dirt track, which zig zags up to the goat farm. On the way up you pass a couple of old abandoned Aljibes, which used to provide drinking water for the area.

The top is Loma Pico de la Aceituna, at 404m. What the top of this hill has to do with olives, I couldn’t say. I didn’t find any!

From here head east past the goats and keep following the ridgeway path. There are any number of points along the way which offer tremendous views both back across the valley and down the Barrancos to the coast.

The ridgeway path eventually winds back down to the valley floor where it intersects with the dirt road out of Las Casitas. Here you can take a left fork onto a dirt path through an area of old top soil extraction. Heading roughly north west the path comes out onto the LZ-702.

Cross here onto the farm track leading back up the other side of the valley. Skirt round the back of the farm sheds to pick up the small path heading south west. Follow this path all the way back to the outskirts of Femes. There is a short 50m stretch long the LZ-702 before you can cut into the backstreets of the village and make your way back to the church.

Femes LHS Circle – History

To read more on the history of Femes and the surrounding area, you can checkout the following sites:

The sites are in Spanish, so if it helps I have made an attempt to summarise a few topics of interest in the History section.