Barranco Poceta Rim

The Poceta Rim walk is about 2 hours (approx. 5km), no climbing and a well marked trail. The path is quite narrow in places with a steep drop to one side, so perhaps not for those with a fear of heights. I usually take a walking pole for this section and avoid the walk if very windy.


Follow the LZ-1 out of Arrecife and take the first exit at the Tahiche round-a-bout. Continue along the LZ-1 past the junction for Costa Teguise and take the next exit for Guatiza. At the round-a-bout by the petrol station, don’t head for Guatiza, but turn back under the LZ-1 onto the LZ-404. You are now effectively heading 180o back, but after 1km take the right turn to continue on the LZ-404 for Majon. Once through Majon turn right at the LZ-10 T-junction. Follow the road through Los Valles, up the hill past Restaurante Mirador de Los Valles and the the wind farm. Just before the Bar-Restaurante Los Helechos and Mirador de los Helechos, there is plenty of parking for Mirador Barranco del Chafarís.

Click on the image above to open a Google maps view of the area in a new tab

The Walk

Across the road is the country lane to El Bosquecillo (view point and picnic area). Take the tarmac country lane, bearing right onto the dirt track, up past the goat farm. Where El Bosquecillo is sign posted to the right, continue ahead instead. Follow the path until you come to the rim of Barranco Poceta.

Follow the rim path to the left behind the military radar domes (Escuadron de Vigilancia Aerea). The path becomes gradually narrower as it skirts the rim. In the distance you can see the church, Ermita de las Nieves.

As you make your way around the rim there are fantastic views down the ravine, over to Famara and across El Jable. Depending on the time of year, there are lots of wild herbs and flowers, Lavender, Garlic and Fennel to name but a few.

As you near the end of the path that skirts the rim of the ravine. you can find evidence of it being used as an old drovers route. There is a water trough for the animals on the side of the path and an old Aljibe in the field over the wall. A few steps further on and you will find some old caves hewn from the rofe volcanic material prevalent in this area.

Continue ahead, at the end of the path turn left onto the tarmac lane and follow this back to the start of the walk. Before you head back however, you can make a small detour to visit Ermita de las Nieves.

Back at the start of the walk, Bar-Restaurante Los Helechos makes a great place for a spot of lunch or a simple coffee and cake stop, it also hosts some magnificent views down to the coastal villages of Arrieta and Punta Mujeres.

Whilst in the area you could also check out the newly refurbished Mirrador de Haria, which you can see from the restaurant balcony.

Barranco Poceta Rim – History

There is a growing History section which you can check out on the web site. Also you might find the following links of interest.