Tabayesco Circle

The Tabayesco walk is quite strenuous for the first leg, in total it’s about 3 – 4 hours (about 10km), but is well marked. The hard part is the ascent to the ridge line, but the views are well worth the effort. A bonus feature however is an option for coffee and cake / lunch at Restaurante Los Helechos.


Heading North on the LZ1 just before Arrieta, take the left for Tabayesco on to the LZ207. Just as you enter the village take the right fork opposite the bus stop. Continue on this road Calle Chafariz, even as it narrows and turns into a dirt track. Park here on the side of the track making sure not to be in anyone’s way.

Click on the map image above to open a Google map of the area in a new tab.

The Walk

Retrace your steps back through the village to Calle la Luciana, up the hill until it joins the LZ-207. Head up in to the valley, just past the switch backs there is a walled picón field on your left. At the end of the wall there is a trail marker (or should be). Take this tail up the spine of the mountain, it’s a good climb. If in doubt on the trail look for the mountain bike tracks and keep the Tabayesco valley on your right shoulder.

About half way up you will see some old ruins. After the ruins if you bear to the right there is an old goat path that hugs the ridge line. Sheer drops to the valley floor on your right, but fantastic views.

Alternatively, after the ruins you can take a more central route heading for the center of the bluff above you. Eventually the path joins a farm track which leads to the righthand side of the bluff and the two routes re-join.

Tabayesco Circle – History

To read more on the history of the area you can check out the Historia de Haria website. The site is in Spanish, so if it helps I have tried to summarise a few topics of interest in the History section.

The walk continues in part 2