The Tenegüime 1 walk is between 3 – 4 hours depending on breaks and photo ops. The inclines are fairly gentle, but there are quite a few places where you have to scramble up and over a few rocks and walls.
You will be walking up a Barranco (ravine) so not to be attempted during or shortly after heavy rain. In the winter with the increased rainfall the area offers some stunning scenery, but there may be the odd pool and muddy section.
This walk climbs out of the ravine just before The Tenegüime 2 walk descends down into it.
Follow the LZ-1 out of Arrecife and take the first exit at the Tahiche round-a-bout. Continue along the LZ-1, past Costa Teguise. Take the Guatiza exit, past the petrol station and head into village. Take the very next left onto Av. Alfonso Tolosa and continue on the tarmac road. The next right (LZ-405) takes you past the cemetery, Cementerio Católico de Guatiza-Santa Margarita which is where I park.

Click on the map image above to open a Google map of the area in a new tab.
The Walk
Head past the cemetery, down the hill following the LZ-405. At the bottom of the hill as the road turns sharp right. There is a dirt track that follows alongside the LZ-1. Once on this track, take the first dirt track off to the left heading towards the mouth of the ravine. Look out for the old well on the righthand side.

Continue into the ravine. Look out for any small pools and any patches of slippery rocks. Keep you eyes peeled and you will see the best route to take where others have made the walk before you. There are a number of rocky slopes and man made walls to negotiate as you wind your way through the ravine.
Eventually you come up against a sheer rock face with a wall built on top. Look behind you and to the right and you see a small path on the right leading up and out of the ravine. The yellow path marked on the image below.

At the top, turn left onto the path which will take you back along the lip of the ravine. Follow this path all the way back to the cemetery where you left the car.
Tenegüime 1 – History
To read more on the history of the area you can checkout the following sites:
The sites are in Spanish, so if it helps I have made an attempt to summarise a few topics of interest in the History section.