Volcán Tahiche is a fairly easy walk, just under 3km. There are one or two places to watch your footing, but with suitable footwear there should be no problem. Perhaps a walking pole if you are unsure.

Take the LZ-34 out of Costa Teguise or pick it up off the LZ-1 César Manrique Foundation round-a-bout sign posted for Costa Teguise. Use the parking area next to the bus stop just outside the village of Tahiche.
There are a number of Bar Cafetería, Hamburger and Pizza places in the village or you can drive down into Arrecife after the walk. My favourite is area of Arrecife is Charco de San Ginés. Lots of bars and restaurants to choose from, too many to mention by name, follow your nose.
The Walk
From the carpark, follow the dirt track behind the houses. After 5 minutes or so, just before the football stadium there is a small path heading up the slope on the right. This skirts between the stadium and the mountain side and come out by the Depósito De Tahíche (water storage for the village).
If you miss the path, don’t worry, continue out through the stadium carpark. Turn up right immediately afterwards and you come to the same Depósito De Tahíche.
Follow the path to the left hand side of the Depósito De Tahíche and it leads you up a gentle slope, climbing and skirting the bottom of the Volcán Tahiche. Simply follow the path all the way round, eventually arriving back at the start.

At the end of the walk you find some large volcanic rock structures which have been erected and Cueva Tahiche (cave). I don’t recommend entering the cave, who knows how stable it is.
Volcán Tahiche – History
To read more on the history of Tahiche and the surrounding area you can checkout the following sites:
The sites are in Spanish, so if it helps I have made an attempt to summarise a few topics of interest in the History section.