Teguise Montaña

Teguise Montaña, after a stroll through the backstreets the walk climbs out of the village over the ridgeway. The return leg of the journey is a gentle walk along the valley floor back to the start. It’s about 8.5 km, well marked and I usually allow between 2 – 3 hours.


Follow the LZ-1 out of Arrecife and take the LZ-10 in Tahiche for Teguise. Straight over at the round-a-bout in Teguise and take the fourth left and first right. Park to the right of the Football Stadium.

Teguise Montaña

Click on the map image above to open a Google map of the area in a new tab.

The Walk

From the Football Stadium car park head back into the village across the front of the building. Follow Calle Gadifer de la Salle, turning right into Calle Jaime Balmes at the end. Take the next right into Calle Dulcinea and follow the lane all the way out of the village.

As the lane becomes a dirt track you start to climb out of the village. On the left look out for some old Lime Kiln ruins. As you continue to climb check out the views back towards the village and El Jable in the distance.

As you reach the crest of the ridgeway, the views ahead are towards the Risco de Famara.

After descending the ridge you arrive at a signpost (Morro Alto), which is the intersection with the Teguise Famara walk. Continue ahead up and over a second ridge and you come to the end of the valley. Here you have views down the ravine towards Caleta de Famara. In the distance on a clear day you can also get good views of La Graciosa.

The route back is along the valley floor, past a number of smallholdings and vineyards. Depending on the time of year the fields can be full of cabbage, potatoes, onions, pumpkins, aubergines, peas or beans. Some of the meadows are left fallow and fill with wild grasses and flowers.

As you start the route back their is a fork in the track by a small farm building. It doesn’t really matter which you take. The righthand one is a little shorter and leads all the way back to the carpark. If following the left-hand fork, take the next right after about 1.5km. Pass the ruins of Ermita de San José on the left. As the track merges, you see the stadium carpark ahead.

Teguise Montaña – History

To read more on the history of Teguise you can checkout the following sites:

These sites are in Spanish, so if it helps I have made an attempt to summarise a few topics of interest in the History section.