Punta Mujeres – Haria – Part 2

The Walk Continues

For the Haria – Punta Mujeres section, you are looking to follow Calle Molino into Calle Fajardo and then take the small path on the left following Barranco de Tesnesia. Check out the following street map for a small stop over at Centro Cultural La Tegala. Perfect for a spot of “el almuerzo” or simply a coffee and a cake.

Once in the Barranco, keep going, depending on the time of year it can be a little overgrown. Also it goes without saying, but stay out if raining. The Barranco is bordered on either side by back gardens. Crops for the table, a few chickens, the odd goat and a pig sty can all be ticked off your spotters guide.

The path starts to follow an old water channel and then some steps take you down to the abandoned water storage, built by Pedro Lasso Mendez in 1958. The path becomes Barranco Tenesia Tres Barrancos and comes out onto the LZ-205.

Look to the right, about 120m, take the path on the left to follow Barranco la Negra. Continue ahead, turning left onto Camino Punta Mujeres. After approximately 492m take the path right towards some Transmission Towers.

You are now at the top of a zig-zag path which will take you down off the Haria Plateaux. Once at the bottom, follow the dirt road bearing right, until you once again pick up Barranco la Negra. Turning left here and heading south takes you back to the car park in Punta Mujeres.

Haria – Punta Mujeres – History

To read more on the history of Punta Mujeres and Haria you can checkout the following sites:

The sites are in Spanish, so if it helps I have made an attempt to summarise a few topics of interest in the History section.