Teguise Lime Kiln Circle

Teguise Lime Kilns

Teguise Lime Kiln Circle, a fairly easy walk just under 4.5 km. Very little climbing, but still affords some lovely panoramic views. The walk takes in the the historic Lime Kilns of Teguise.

Teguise Lime Kiln

At the turn of the century these Lime Kilns were at their height. The lime extracted had many uses. In paints for the houses, waterproofing the aljibes (water storage), soap making and water purification.

Teguise Lime Kiln Circle – History

To read more on the history of Teguise and the surrounding area you can checkout the following sites:

The sites are in Spanish, so if it helps I have made an attempt to summarise a few topics of interest in the History section.

Montañeta de Chimida – Barranco de la Horca

Montañeta Chimida - Barranco Horca

The Montañeta de Chimida – Barranco de la Horca walk is about 4.5 kilometres, but there are a couple of extensions you can choose. It is a relatively steady walk, although the section along the rim of the barranco is quite narrow with steep drops down to the floor of the ravine. It looks to be a popular mountain bike route and not ideal in windy conditions.

There are many places for coffee and cake or indeed a spot of lunch in Teguise. A popular spot for hikers and cyclists alike is jonniebakes. Great for large Cappuccinos and a variety of tasty cakes and pastries, plus they do a cracking Cornish pasty.

Montañeta de Chimida – Barranco de la Horca – History

To read more on the history of Teguise you can checkout the following sites:

Some of these sites are in Spanish, so if it helps I have made an attempt to summarise a few topics of interest in the History section.