Haria Barranco Elvira Sanchez

Haria Barranco Elvira Sanchez

Haria, Barranco Elvira Sanchez is a circular walk of about 3 – 4 hours, between 7 and 10km depending on route.

The hike up the Barranco itself is quite steep, but there are plenty of places to stop and admire the view.

At the top enjoy the stunning views from the Risco down towards Caleta de Famara.

The way back down is via part of the GR-131 Camino Natural de Lanzarote, a little steep in places, but much easier to descend than the Barranco.

After the climb there is the Restaurante Los Helechos for a coffee / lunch. And then, it’s down hill all the way back to the start.

Haria Barranco Elvira Sanchez – History

Historia de Haria is a good site covering the general history of the area.

There is a History section on this site if you are interested in learning more about this fascinating island of Lanzarote and its people.

Montañeta de Chimida – Barranco de la Horca

Montañeta Chimida - Barranco Horca

The Montañeta de Chimida – Barranco de la Horca walk is about 4.5 kilometres, but there are a couple of extensions you can choose. It is a relatively steady walk, although the section along the rim of the barranco is quite narrow with steep drops down to the floor of the ravine. It looks to be a popular mountain bike route and not ideal in windy conditions.

There are many places for coffee and cake or indeed a spot of lunch in Teguise. A popular spot for hikers and cyclists alike is jonniebakes. Great for large Cappuccinos and a variety of tasty cakes and pastries, plus they do a cracking Cornish pasty.

Montañeta de Chimida – Barranco de la Horca – History

To read more on the history of Teguise you can checkout the following sites:

Some of these sites are in Spanish, so if it helps I have made an attempt to summarise a few topics of interest in the History section.

Presa de Mala Circle (Mala Dam)

Mala Dam

The Mala Dam Circle is a good 4 hours and there is quite “a lot of up” as my walking companion put it and she is not wrong. The effort is well rewarded however with stunning views and a definite sense of achievement at the end.

Not recommended for hire cars, but there is a dirt road that runs up to the top of the dam wall (C. Pleamar). This is where I parked and we were most grateful to save a few thousand steps at the end of the walk.

The walk takes you up onto the ridgeway with great views down into the two valleys. On the left-hand side facing west you have Baranco Valle del Palomo. On the right-hand side facing west you have the Tabayesco valley. The route emerges briefly onto the LZ-10 before beginning its descent down C. Pleamar back to the Dam.

Water Secrets

At the top of the climb from the dam you can look down onto La Fuente De Chafariz. As you circle back down the dirt track C. Pleamar you find an old spring which you can imagine as being opposite the upper water extraction tunnels of La Fuente De Chafariz.

Spring just off C. Pleamar, Baranco Valle del Palomo. Appears to opposite side of the mountain to La Fuente De Chafariz.

Disused water extraction tunnel above La Fuente De Chafariz in Barranco del Chafariz above Tabayesco.

Mala Dam Circle- History

To read more on the history of water on Lanzarote you can checkout the following sites:

These sites are in Spanish, so if it helps I have made an attempt to cover some topics of interest in the History section.

Volcàn Templo La geria June 2023

Volcàn Templo June 2023

A return visit to the Volcàn Templo La geria area including Montañas Cardona and Cueva de Ortiz. The walk is a good a good 3½ hours or so, mostly flat and for the most part well marked.

All considering we have had quite a dry winter and spring, so we were quite supprised on our return to this area with the variety of plant life flourishing.

We found grapes of course, but also mulberry bushes, guava, figs and tomatoes, all growing and fruiting well with no irrigation mechanisms.

For those interested in identifying the various plants you find on a walk, I have found this web site quite helpful, plantnet.org.

A collection of excellent books about the nature of Lanzarote, naturalanza.com

Volcàn Templo La geria – History

To read about the history of the area and the small village of Uga, you can checkout the following sites:

The sites are in Spanish, so if it helps I have made an attempt to summarise a few topics of interest in the History section.

Haria Temisa Walk May 2023

Haria Temisa

The Haria Temisa walk is about 5.5km, 2 – 3 hours and is well marked. There is a bit of a climb in the middle section and the path is quite narrow in places, but well worth the effort. Views back towards the coast, and down into both the Tabayesco and Haria valleys.

We had a beautiful spring day, clear skies, light breeze and a coffee and cake stop at Bar Cafeteria El Rincón de Quino.

Haria Temisa – History

To read more on the history of Haria you can check out the following site:

The site is in Spanish, so if it helps I have made an attempt to summarise some topics of interest and historical events in the History section.

Baranco de la Poceta Top Section Walk May 2023

Another visit to the Baranco de la Poceta Top Section walk and of course the obligatory coffee and cake stop at Bar-Restaurante Los Helechos. The route is easy to follow and takes between 2 – 3 hours depending on water breaks and photo ops.

The walk offers stunning views over to Famara, El Jable and the NE of the island. Click on the button below to open a full description of the Walk in a new tab.

Barranco de la Poceta Top Section – History

There is a growing History section which you can check out on the web site. Also you might find the following links of interest.

LHS Femes Circle May 2023

LHS Femes

A repeat visit to LHS Femes circular walk in the south of the island. A blustery day but the views down the many ravines of Los Ajaches were well worth the effort.

LHS Femes

The walk starts from the small church of San Marcial del Rubicón. Heads across the round-a-bout onto Calle del Filo and up onto the ridgeway at 404m.

Click the image to open the full walk description in a new tab

The Femes LHS circle is about 3 .5 hours. It is good under foot and is well marked. The map distance is about 8km.

The ridgeway itself is mostly north eastly. The path eventually zig zags its way back down to the valley floor at the Las Casitas end of the valley. We choose to cross the old soil extraction zone. Cross the LZ-702 and pick up the dirt track back to Femes on the other side of the valley.

As a coffee and cake suggestion or a spot of lunch we stopped at Restaurante Balcon de Femes. Restaurante El Mirador de Femes is right next door and Restaurante Casa Emiliano is just over he road and Bar Restaurante Casa Juan just off the roundabout.

If you get the chance Iglesia de San Marcial del Rubicón is well worth a peek inside. Around the inside walls of the church are models of family fishing boats, placed there to bring blessings on the fisherman who work them.

Femes LHS Circle – History

To read more on the history of Femes and the surrounding area, you can checkout the following sites:

The sites are in Spanish, so if it helps I have made an attempt to summarise a few topics of interest in the History section.

The Struggle For Water

La Fuente De Chafariz

An Aljibe is a water collection and storage cistern. They come in many different shapes and sizes. Some collect rainwater run off from roofs and gardens for use in the home. Others collect natural spring water or ground water for use in an agricultural setting for crops and livestock.

Los Aljibes son cisternas de recogida y almacenamiento de agua. Hay muchos diferentes formas y tamaños. Algunos recogen el agua de lluvia de los techos y jardines para usarla en el hogar. Otros recolectan agua de manantial natural o agua subterránea para su uso en un entorno agrícola para cultivos y ganado.

Aljibes (Wasserreservoirs ) sind Wassersammel- und Vorrat Zisternen. Es gibt viele verschiedenen Formen und Größen. Einige sammeln Regenwasser von Dächern und Gärten für den Gebrauch im Haus. Andere sammeln natürliches Quellwasser oder Grundwasser für die landwirtschaftliche Nutzung für Pflanzen und Vieh.

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