Cueva De Las Cabras (Part 2)

After Cueva De Las Cabras, continue along path to the end of the bluff. There is an old weather monitoring station here. Depending on the time of year and rainfall, the displays of wild flowers can be quite stunning.

Flowing the dirt track behind the radar dome, edging around the top of Barranco De La Poceta. The path narrows as it clings to the side of the cliff. This is where I recommend the use of walking poles for a little extra balance.

After 30 minutes or so we come to the site of two more cave systems hewn from the Rofera, which is the friable volcanic material deposited in this area.

The easiest to access are the excavations immediately to the left of the path. Not so easy, but accessible with care are the many holes and passage ways down the cliff a little on the right.

Continue on the path until it comes out onto the small mountain road with the church of Las Nieves directly ahead. From here we turn back on ourselves and follow the mountain road back to the starting point.

Another walk in this area is the Tabayesco Circle, which also includes El Bosquecillo (the little forest) picnic area.

Cueva de las Cabras – History

To read a little more of the history of the area, check out Historia de Haria. The site is in Spanish and opens in a new tab with articles on:

The Historia de Teguise website also has an article on the church of Las Nieves. There is also an account in English on the History pages.