Barranco Poceta (Part 2)

After a while the two Barranco Poceta paths come back together again and the route is once again clearly visible. The route from here becomes even steeper, so this is a good place to call a halt to admire the view, take some water and munch that jam & banana sandwich in your rucksack.

The last leg takes you up the almost sheer rock face, but the path is well recessed as it zig zags it’s way to the top.

At the top you emerge adjacent to the Radar Domes which are visible from nearly all angles in the north of Lanzarote. It’s a good dirt road now back past El Bosquecillo (aka the little forest) to the LZ-10 and the 1st parking spot.

There are great views here and the added bonus of Bar Restaurante Los Helechos for some well earned refreshment. Other walks in this area include:

Barranco de la Poceta – History

To read more on the history of water on Lanzarote you can checkout the following sites:

These sites are obviously in Spanish, so if it helps I have made an attempt to summarise the salient historical events in the History section.