About Me

My name is Monica and I am a native of Italy, from the city of Milan. Before coming to Lanzarote, I have worked as a promoter, head of public relations, events creator, advertising and sales.  Since sport and fitness have always been my passion, I decided to make my passion my job…

Soul Fitness

I studied and obtained my Personal trainer qualifications and can say that it was the best decision of my life. I am totally dedicated, and thanks to my wide range of life experiences in many different working environments I connect easily people.

I am a very open minded person, empathic, humane, funny, full of energy and good vibrations. I try to bring a little joy to those I meet every day! Please contact me to have a chat and I will be glad to help you achieve your goals, I won’t disappoint you!

My personal goal is to show you how to train safely. Correct posture and movement is so important in order to improve performance and avoid injury. I not only want you to have a strong physical body, but a quiet peaceful mind as well. My hope is that you will discover a new passion for life, a strong fit body and be prepared for every challenge!

And if you need some suggestions or guidelines for a healthy and varied diet, I can help you find the right diet for you, evaluating your personal situation together and creating a healthy, totally natural eating style, without neglecting the taste! As always, mind and body must walk hand in hand. Eating right, finding the right foods, is also essential for your mental clarity and peace of mind!

Call or write for a first contact, I will be happy to meet you and help you achieve your goals! I won’t let you down! See my social networks Instagram and Facebook.

To discover a new version of you, call me, send me a WhatsApp or email.

Mobile: 0034 686 822 638
